On the 29 August 2024 as the sole representitive of Universal Asylum in the same location in Victoria Square Adelaide, South Australia that Universal Asylums flag was driven into the ground staking it's calim to the Universe & declairing to Australian Federal Authorities and World Governments it's intention to facilitate the transition to a leaderless system of governance: I, Mark Parker was forced to drench myself in fuel & threatern to set myself ablaze which was recorded on two Facebook Livefeeds that have been collated with some contextual information on the Universal Asylum Youtube: Activistic Publicity Stunt Re. Bioterrorism Combining FB-Livefeeds originally shot on 29th Aug 2024!
or YouTube; https://youtu.be/6XovBqqBbSA
The publicity stunt was undertaken to draw attention to Universal Asylums recent publication: N,N-Dimethyltryptamine, Tryptophan & Serotonin Convert to LIVE Microspecies Connecting Ancient RNA-Binding Motif to SM Domain via Unexplained C-Terminal in Lsm1 Complex & Eat PAT1 whilst RNA Splicing!
Which provides evidence that overregulation of scientific research into "psychedelics" as essentially bioweaponised humans by retarding their immue functions directly causing genetid degeneration and the mutation of RNA viruses, perpatuating the spread of disease and viruses, to create fear of viruses to justify their pandemic response plan as a delivery system for a bioweaponised vaccine capable of safely targeted genocide of the global population as discussed in: Universal Asylum's Global Bioterrorism Intervention: A System Capable of Ensuring the Corporate Giants, the World Health Organisation, United Nations & World Governments Cannot Commit Global Genocide.
Unfortunatly mitigating circumstances associated with this publication: Heads of Adelaide Motorcycle Clubs... If Steve Dee/Perna/Henderson is a Member of Your Club Pretending to be Afraid for his Family - You Are Being Played... Just Like Another Club Member 10years Ago! have continued esculating to the point that it is clear that what I was previously under no illusions are extremely dangerous underworld organised crime gangs appear to have successfully manipulated at least one motorcylcleclub into siding with them. However, if at all possible for me to survive long enough for certain people to realised the extent by which they have been manipulated perhaps they'll realise that I'm not the enemy after all. Subsequently, I have been forced to release a number of publications premeturly and threatern to set myself on fire to aviod getting murdered too soon!!!
Interestingly... The Morning of the Activistic Publicity Stunt I ran into Kristy the mother of my children who lives in Whyalla and I had reached out to on the 20th of July, 2024.