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The TRUTH about Wilhelm Friedrich Kühne, Trypsin, Tryptophan, Tryptic Digestion, & How The Right Circumstances Resulted in Scientific Understanding Advanced Enough that Society Swept em Under the Rug!

Mark Parker

Updated: Dec 31, 2024

Written with respect to Wilhelm Friedrich Kühne (28 March 1837 – 10 June 1900) perhaps the most under celebrated German physiologist. who continues to prove too advanced for most to understand yet made such a great scientific contribution for all the right reasons, that the wrong people with power saw it as such a threat they've gone to extreme lengths to sweep under the rug and keep it that way for over a century.

Unfortunately, society would sooner die than allow such levels of purely motivated genius to naturally evolve again. Thing is we really need a couple of 1,000,000 scientists like Kühne a decade ago if we wan't to get out of the mess we're currently in!!!

Approaching essentially the same curiosity from the opposite direction to Kühne the minimisation of aspects of his work too great to be erased from history left no uncertainty that his contribution to the nomenclature of Tryptophan, Tryptamine, Serotonin (and likely more biological terminology than possible or practical to completely list) was of extreme significance. Since beginning this publication with frustratingly limited information I've since acquired enough older texts to provide and adequate understanding of Kühnes perspective and relevant terminology to cross-reference that against a comprehensive  List of medical roots, suffixes and prefixes derived from the The Language of Medicine, 11th edition, Davi-Ellen Chabner [68] and Essential Medical Terminology [69] in learning how to apply that to decrypting Tryptophan, Tryptamine's (including Serotonin and Melatonin) & N,N-Dimethyltryptamine being the dominant Amines. Kühne may have past before half of those were names but he lay such comprehensive ground work that the main amines were named to disclose their their interrelationships. I'm still playing around with them but the only available options that fit at all almost fit my understanding of their interrelationships better than a glove despite a few loose ends to unravel.

Although TrYpT can be repurposed as an algebraic formula it appears at this stage that this may or may not have been a primary influence of Künes and his peers choice on nomenclature. This often drops more letters that I may have expected such reducing terms such as the crossover between "hyper vs hypo" to 'Yp" in TrYpT which makes perfect sense from from the perspective of trying to understand a product associated with catalytic organic process. I actually used the over simplified concept of "hyper/hypo cellular divergence" attempting to describe the complexities of states either side of essentially the same catalytic reaction. Nevertheless and furthermore, the most appropriate option for "Tr" denotes the consumption of "Tr+T" as the primary variable upon which "Yp" is dependant as after 'o' as a spacer vowel 'pH' consumes TrYpTo but "not with" an N. Now this could not be more concisely or accurately descriptive choice of letters for a molecule clearly associated with measures of rate and acidity. The only other fitting options are regarding light which although arguably a valid measure despite being used to dumb Kühne et al down it's highly unlikely that came ahead of pH in relation to naming a black window hetero-molecule known to devour it's partner labeled acid.

This itself clearly represents crossover between literacy and numeracy which arguably falls within the definition of algebraic without even considering what Tr or T mean one of which would seem already covered by not without N ,n-dimethylTryptamine! After exploring all possible variations from the list the other letters of the Three most important aminos conveniently can be interpreted as denoting the most significant aspects of their interrelationship to one another. This is clearly denoted by the other letters in each of their names which are covered in tables I will speak to further in due course.

Even the terms amine or amino-acid themselves appear to have linguistic links to algebra that fit with the reductive nature one would generally associate with acid. However, like the h-Yp's some amines were already known with nomenclature culture a hot topic throughout his era.

kühne did not name most of the substances coved in this publication which crosses over into organic bimolecular nuclear physics if there even is or ever was such a thing. Chemistry and physics presumably were poking around in the same areas and had far greater influence upon one another back then prior to branching off seperate ways. The fact that the is more money in war and pharmaceuticals than ethics and efficiently facilitating the advancement of scientific understandings has clearly contributed to countless barriers to accessing accurate information on Kühne's work is terrifying. His work towards understanding the complex organic processes associated with Trypsin literally influenced the naming of the most dominant "amino acids", not to mention enzyme and peptide systems.

Apparently 30% of proteins contain metallic ions [83]

For the sake of clarity and to avoid suspense TrYpSin appears to have enough of the qualities of Tryptamine "T" to trigger at least a partial response and was considered in the naming of Tryptophan. Based on that guid Tryptophan is named to self identify as basically the Female constant half of an intimate bi-molecular interrelationship. T's representation of Tryptamine includes Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) also named to self identify as only part of a greater system, being essentially the male plank constant primary configuration but without any N's. The secondary configuration involves infinite complex donor acceptor combinations which are arguably the most important component of the molecule hence the prefix of n, n- Dimethyletryptamine. Even a million combinations would arguably be the most significant part of the molecule but I'm unsure how to write that in roman numerals or if it would be practical. Nor have I come across nomenclature rules mentioning a roman numeral cap or clearly explaining rules of the use of letters in the representation of various aspects of the system. Why is DMT virtually the only molecule with n, n- when there are countless molecules with two nitrogens yet no Ns in their names? Why is Tryptophan predominately prefixed with L? and how come the majority of D ones don't appear to work?

There remain aspects I'm not entirely sold on against limited options such as the potential for one of the T's to represent tungsten which will be discussed in relation to it's interrelationship with both the molecule and micro-organisms. From what I've read Kühne had one of the most advanced holistic understandings of the complex interrelationships between the chemistry and synergy of microorganisms under different conditions. I expect that others equally as gifted at times experienced varied results in drawing from his work without the wisdom of the diverse unique experience that he possessed. I'm open to the fact that it still may be coincidental that the major amines just happen to fit the descriptions of the basic characteristics I would hope were identified as of significance to their nomenclature which due to the nature required expect to have been evidence to those who named them. However, if my attempt at decrypting nomenclature is even close to right tryptophan was named with anticipation and consideration of evidence indicating an equilateral molecule like DMT.

It was known prior to being clearly surmised in 1918 that "it is evident from the Amino Acids and other nitrogenous substance that readily give up their Nitrogen as a result of bacterial action, are particularly responsible for food value cultural mediums" [3]. However, it is likely Wilhelm Kühne was well aware of the above prior to 1876 when some claim he "discovered" Trypsin which is more likely when he formally named it after thorough consideration.

16years after Kühne initially developed an interest in the physiology of the protozoa and the nature of protoplasm in 1860 and having began his independent scientific career 1861, the chemical department of Virchow’s institute gave him a completely free hand with the his work. Apparently, at the institute Kuhne did not investigate strictly pathological question but dealt with cytophysiological problems [54] which is a bold assumption or outright dishonest attempt to discredit Kühnes significance based on the definition of "the physiology of cells" [63] and the holistic nature of Kühnes work [3][54][55][56][57].

Available evidence strongly suggests Kühne and his peers were either aware of, or anticipated molecules along the lines of Tryptamine's prior to Tryptophan formally receiving its name. After years of meticulous methodical consideration during which Kühne was the first to associate indole with tryptophan in 1875, years prior to its official "discovery" [66]. After examining Kühnes application of nomenclature to terms like Enzymes and with consideration to the context of a remarkably broad portfolio of work I've decrypted both Tryptophan and Tryptamine in a far simpler manner that fits like a glove whilst confirming why so much effort has gone into sweeping it under the rug. Coincidentally it seems possible to break down Trypsin and DMT into and algebraic formula capable of decrypting the interrelationships between everything on the periodic table within a month or so with the right team. It's still entirely possibly Tungsten represents the second T being a common catalyst in studying amino acids throughout the late 1800's [66]. However, although Kühne's work may be referenced by studies documenting such combinations direct evidence confirming the possibility is yet to be identified. Between the mystery surrounding the nomenclature of "TrypT" and the manner by which less significant aspects of his work are credited to throw off the questions above whilst discrediting such great scientific contributions when considered in their broader context, not only spits on Wilhelm Kühnes grave but is an insult to the intelligence of anyone who cares enough to take even half a glance. According to Miriam Webster Dictionary Tryptamine was first used in 1929 with the definition a crystalline amine C10H12N2 derived from tryptophan [64]. As their names suggest they're the perfect pair of equal yet in otherwise opposite ranking Amino Acids which once combined within our system facilitate "tryptic digestion". In doing my best to ensure Kühne finally receives the public recognition his work truely deservers so it may serve to pure intentions with which it was clearly undertaken I feel a duty to review what I've covered. On the other hand perhaps I should try to avoid altering what I've covered too much. After getting lucky with a couple of great publications I've been able to apply Kühnes use of nomenclature to completely decrypt Tryptophan. It's just a matter of presenting that in a manner that provides enough context to serve justice to what it really means.

Supporting a more refined variation of my original hypothesis that DMT is a form of nutrient that supports a secondary amino acid configuration "tryptic digestion" involves complex interactive processes occurring on a quantum nanoparticle scale between the amino acid system, available natural elements and micro-species including different forms of bacteria, "parasites" and even viruses. Many of these we have coevolved with over millions of years. However, as tryptic digestion has been strictly forbidden by those in control of dominant culture for 1000's and subsequently all forms of scientific understanding are in different ways skewed by the in-balance this continues to cause there is only one safe way to figure out which microorganisms are good or bad, without accidentally killing vital microorganisms which have gone pathogenic under the wrong conditions whilst preventing the mutation and spread of potentially harmful disease and viruses. This is to facilitate regular tryptic digestion of the entire human population on a global scale as a matter of urgency whist exploring how it applies to other species likely to also require supplementation. How it works is basically increases the power and efficiency of the collective system including incalculable micro species with which we've coevolved by 10fold to collectively correct imbalances whilst using up problematic forms of scientifically recognised forms of excess protein covered in previous publications whilst wherever possible tackling foreign entities, repairing damage caused and excreting waste products in the most environmentally friendly manner possible.

According to 5 Dec. (2024) Kühen’s most outstanding gift was his ability to select significant problems, which the he approached inventively, using a wide variety of technical devices. He substantially advanced research in the physiology of metabolism and digestion (sugar, protein, bile acids, trypsin), the physiology of muscle and nerves, the physiology of protozoa and physiological optics. Many of his results and observation of were immediately integrated into standard texts [54]. This quote is of particular relevance "In this paper he suggested that such non-organised ferments should be called Enzymes. He also presented some interesting results from his experiments with trypsin. It is clear that he realised that proteolytic enzymes are not only of physiological interest but also have considerable application to the study of proteins". Note his use of the term "non-organised" in relation to language. In a later paper he specifically states that the term enzyme should be used for all ferments in the unorganised state and not just for those from yeast. He states that higher organisms, from which pepsin, trypsin etc. can be prepared, are fundamentally not so very different from unicellular organisms [55]. Additionally Kühne was fortunate for circumstances from Germany having the highest standard of education at the time, the social class or position of his family and more appropriate opportunities to support his advanced studies than hinder them [56]. Allegedly, Kühne was not a mathematically or theoretically inclined scientists rather an experimental biologist with a phenomenal breath of work [57]. This included identification of similarities between contractile moplasm and cytoplasm, of vertebrate muscle and protozoan, and plant cells as just some complex holistically explored complex interrelationships between the biochemistry of plants, animals and bacteria on a microbiological level. Had he described it in print "Ostwald's artificial heart" would bare the name Kühne due to his mercury heart which was acknowledged by Lippmann in an 1873 publication which was quoted by Ostwald in 1896. [56]. Khüne was said not to be a theorist, mystic or exagerationalist, rather a sound biologist who demonstrated unusual wisdom in applying basic available resources to his own experimental research designs [57].

Given the fact that throughout the 1800's Germany achieved the highest standards of education in the world & perhaps even history to date, that although advanced by contemporary standards, it is highly probable that fundamental literacy and numeracy skills underpinning his work rarely warranted elaboration when addressing audiences at such high levels. OMG I just tried to find a couple of quick references to confirm that and after seeing this and how far backwards its gone [67] not a wonder society went from countless geniuses to none. Sure, we've got some rich scum but not one of them possesses a tenth of Kühnes qualities. After-all, to explain his selection of each letter of every word carefully constructed to represent aspects of interconnected conceptual understandings contributing to the evolving knowledge-base of the scientific community prior to it's perversion would have been outright condescending without proper cause. Years of consideration and a responsibility to do so wisely from the positions he acquired presumably underpinned Kühnes construction of particular words. However, available evidence suggests Kühne was a considerate yet humble academic working from the same fundamental understanding of literacy and numeracy as his peers within a field which at the time had far greater respect for the significance of nomenclature than the so called experts we have today. Whilst it's easy to initially overlook small things the significance of evidence of his humble clarification of the word enzyme as his understandings, the more one becomes familiar with the broader context of his contribution to science the harder it becomes not to find ones self enraged by cheap shots demonstrating dangerous levels of ego, lack of insight and critical thought. Oblivious to the advanced understanding he possessed of the interrelationships between a diverse range of complex systems than most appear incapable of even beginning to comprehend people act is if he pulled words like enzyme, trypsin and pepsin out of a fucken hat.

After decades of trying to wrap my head around similar systems leading to basically the same places approached from almost completely opposite directions and knowing the answer to the problem I'm unsure he lived to solve or weather that just became another inconvenient aspect of his work to be swept under the rug. Once I finally accessed some reasonable enough publications to provide some context to his work it was enough to learn how he was naming things and apply that to decrypting Tryptophan in a matter of hours. Now I've provided three simple yet significant examples offering alternate variations for pepsin. I'm sure I'm not the first to figure out the answer to a question that at least some people ask. I think I'd looked at the Wikipedia nomenclature chart titled List of medical roots, suffixes and prefixes weeks ago but didn't know how to apply it, that you could drop letters and in ways even though I have very similar understandings looking at it from Kuhnes perspective left no uncertainty. I have provided multiple options where they apply some of which I will further comment on in due course .

According to Crescitelli F (1977) "Kühne was also aware of the practical usefulness of trypsin in histological analysis and with Ewald he tested the action of this enzyme on various animal tissues. He noted the resistance of certain tissue elements to tryptic digestion and thereby was able to isolate collagenous and keratinized structures. In this way he was able to obtain and to name his so-cafled neurokeratin from the connective tissue of brain, spinal cord, retina and myelinated nerve fibres. Together with Chittenden. Külhne collected quantities of neurokeratin sufficient for an elementary chemical analysis. In these experiments we can detect the beginnings of the field of enzymatic histochemistry" [57]. Of upmost significance, this confirms Tryptophan and Trypsin direct association with catalytic activation of, and/or modification of "tryptic digestion". The fact Tryptophan was possibly the first "amino acid" marked "trypt" yet wasn't called "trypt-amino-acid" indicates the latter. Considered within the broader context of his holistic work [56][57] [58], whilst presumably satisfied that Tryptophan was the predominate dominant amino acid constantly present and directly involved in tryptic digestion, Kühnes naming of Tryptophan strongly indicates he anticipated the existence of a larger catalytic molecule than the ones previously identified in his experiments possessing the right combination of similar qualities to be appropriately named tryptamine.

On this note prior to looking at my attempts to decrypt the nomenclature of the Trypts and their Tonins it seems of relevance to considering this page on isoelecttronicity in relation to names of a set of molecules which form a powerful equilibrium capable of literally countless complex combinations of donor acceptor catalytic style responses.

Advances in Organometallic Chemistry, Volume 30 [76].

The importance of the concept lies in identifying significantly related species, as pairs or series. Isoelectronic species can be expected to show useful consistency and predictability in their properties, so identifying a compound as isoelectronic with one already characterised offers clues to possible properties and reactions. Differences in properties such as electronegativity of the atoms in isoelectronic species can affect reactivity.

Ts is pretty self explanatory and fits with my work over the years which has explored all means of describing processes involved ü what Kunes termed tryptic digestion. Yp to cover both hyper and hypo makes perfect sense too given Kühnes work clearly involved experimenting with trying to understand complex catalytic processes. In fact I used the same words months ago attempting to use the oversimplified concept of hyper and hypo cellular divergence to describe the variations between standard and secondary amino acid configurations.

Kühne and Chittenden clearly recognized the sequential nature of gastric and intestinal (pancreatic) digestion in that beyond a certain point in protein breakdown within the acid-pepsin environment, digestion proceeds further in the alkaline-trypsin environment. Along side Heidelberg Chitterden is said to have had significant influence upon the development of of physiological chemistry within the United States. However, somehow I'm unsure things went quite as well as he envisaged. After his time in German laboritories along side physiologists in Germany it was inevitable that the nature of the field chemistry required decided change with in his own words paraphrased "the dynamic aspects of physiological chemistry" becoming "the keynote of the instruction". According to Crescitel (1977) "Chittenden conceived the role of physiological chemistry, not as a study serving merely to provide physicians with a modicum of information on the chemical constituents of the tissues and secretions of the body, but as a distinct branch of biological science deserving development in its own right". The fact the field of chemistry went the opposite direction to Chittendens wisdom and the fact that words frequently used by him and Kühune such as antibumoses, hemialbumoses, antipeptone, hemipeptone strangely ceased use [57] is highly questionable. Antipeptone aka tryptone [59] is an assortment of peptides formed via digestion of casein by the protease trypsin [61][62]. Albumose (al-bew-mohz) n. a substance, intermediate between albumin and peptones, produced during the digestion of proteins by pepsin and other endopeptidases (see peptidase) [60]. Combines with the prefixes "hemi" and "anti" the combinations all of these words indicate that tryptic digestion was understood as involving Tryptophan getting caught up in some kind of kinky equal yet opposite reversal of roles, if not alltogether entirely, at the very least in individual respects.

A token reference to Pauli Wolfgang's Neutrino which I have come a cross and really need to read up on [77]. I mainly recall the name and that he has principle to do with nuclear spin. Will be interesting how it fits with my hypothesis though trying to get these done first!

The mystery surrounding the word or formula "trypt" appears to include countless crossovers and details beneath the vague history of Kühnes work which according to the Miriam Webster Dictionary saw him name Trypsin in 1876 and means: a proteolytic "enzyme" (which he coined a year later) that is secreted in the pancreatic juice in the form of trypsinogen, is activated in the duodenum, and is most active in a slightly alkaline medium. Etymology: Borrowed from German Trypsin, uncertain origin. NOTE: The term Trypsin was introduced by the German physiologist Wilhelm Kühne (1837-1900) in "Ueber das Trypsin (Enzym des Pankreas)," Verhandlungen des Naturhistorischen-Medicinischen Vereins zu Heidelberg, Neue Folge, 1. Band (1877), pp. 194-98. In this article Kühne says nothing about the origin of the word. In a preceding article (pp. 190-93), taken from Kühne's presentation to a session of the Verein ("Ueber das Verhalten verschiedener organisirter un sog. ungeformter Fermente," "Sitzung am 4. Februar 1876"), the following is stated: "Genauer untersucht wurde besonders das Eiweiss verdauende Enzym des Pankreas, für welches, da es zugleich Spaltung der Albuminkörper veranlasst, der Name Trypsin gewählt wurde." ("In particular the pancreatic enzyme that digests albumin was more closely investigated, for which the name trypsin was chosen, as it accomplishes at the same time cleaving of the albuminous bodies.") Though the base tryps- appears to be a nominal derivative of a Greek verb, no verb is known with an appropriate meaning. The Oxford English Dictionary suggests trîpsis "rubbing, wearing down," allegedly because the enzyme is produced by rubbing the pancreas with glycerin, but nothing in Kühne's article supports this, and y for expected i is unexplained. (In Kühne's procedure the fresh pancreas is initially crushed with alcohol and glass powder.) [1]. Ha. This enormous dictionary quote was my first reference when I started writing and provided great relief to see someone actually question the legitimacy of some to the many ludicrus nomenclature suggestions. Admittedly I've speculated in previous publications toying with possible explanations for the missing information and the consistently altered information.

Half a century since Berzelius had apparently suggested chemical catalysts in a fastidious process of methodical nomenclature our greatest contemporary scientific minds struggle to comprehend [15]. Coincidentially, also named in 1876 (not necesssarily by Kühne) ... Isobutane: : a gaseous branched-chain hydrocarbon (CH3)3CH isomeric with normal butane that is used especially as a fuel [2]. Lipoid [3] Nitration: the process of adding a nitro group to an organic compound [4] Sulfinate: a salt or ester of a sulfonic acid [8]. Metachromatic: staining or characterized by staining in a different color or shade from what is typical metachromatic granules in a bacterium [5]. Pronucleus: the haploid nucleus of a male or female gamete (such as an egg or sperm) up to the time of fusion with that of another gamete in fertilization [6]. Submaximal [7]. Phonate [9] 1887: Macromolecules : a relatively large densely staining nucleus of most ciliate protozoans that is derived from micronuclei and controls various non-reproductive functions [12]. Micronucleus: : a minute nucleus, specifically : one that is primarily concerned with reproductive and genetic functions in most ciliated protozoans [11].  Protozoan: : any of a phylum or subkingdom (Protozoa) of chiefly motile and heterotrophic unicellular protists (such as amoebas, trypanosomes, sporozoans, and paramecia) that are represented in almost every kind of habitat and include some pathogenic parasites of humans and domestic animals [13]. Unsure the year of Tryptone: a peptone produced by the action of trypsin [10] but you get the picture.

Kühne also proved the electric excitability of monocellular organisms in 1864 which is right on topic 150years later [54] with electrophilic bacterium responsible for Nitrogen fixation with differently electrogenically configured defects in latice capable of accomodating unbonded electrons. The difference in configuration is in relation to aminos such as Trypsyną to provide molecular selectivity of bonding sites. Many bacrerium not ony play such roles in plants but continue into the digestive system to cocontribute to metabolism of metals such as tungsten via what I believe to be tryptic digestion. In fact, there are at least two defined positive charges in tryptic peptides (at both N- and C-termini), which is favourable for a good fragmentation in MS/MS analyses [1,2]. Kuhne [65]

Our bodies are complex biospheres reliant upon hosting countless symbiotic entities from viruses, bacteria and certain parasites. many of these we have coevolved over millions of years with to the point that we are dependant upon one another to live healthy lives. DMT and similar substances are our greatest defence in keeping a healthy symbiotic in balance whilst eliminating foreign entities. It is not easy to tell the difference as even the good guys can become pathogenic or cause other issues should they become out of balance. This is where targeted nano technology to eliminate certain bacteria etc becomes extremely dangerous. Whilst Tungsten and Bismuth nano particles have the potential to relieve extreme misbalance in gastrointestinal bacteria [49] the safest and most effective way to take such substances is arguably filtered naturally via the uptake of plants to be made into a healthy cup of tea as a regular component of a healthy diet. Now I'm not entirely sure what the most dominant component is or it's some collective form of conciousness in control. However, the consumption of DMT provides DMT and Tryptophan shared control over the entire macromolecular complex, along with all elements at it's disposal to increase the power and efficiency of all systems by 10fold and harmoniously undertake RNA processes which many of the bacterium and parasites are involved in before they either die or any excess discarded leaving the system freshly balanced.

To get an idea of a few of the combinations we're looking at we'll cover some species which will make some links to provide an idea of how many species, multiplied by how many molecules against how many elements are involved in a hyperdivergent configuration across 200 types of 30 trillion cells making up the human body over several hours. Where possible some of the mechanisms will be identified and discussed.

According to the United Nations "Methane emissions are driving climate change.".Urgent attention must be drawn to the fact that 8billion people (and animals) being denied their naturally healthy regular weekly dose of DMT is directly contributing to escalating methane levels on a scale that can be considered the primary cause to the ecological crises we face. Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori)-is a Gram negative bacteria that colonizes the gastric epithelium of more than 50% of the adult population worldwide {40] and the excretion of far greater levels of methane gas [41]. However, greater than expected methane excretion is also recognised regardless of infection indicating broader gastrointestinal imbalances [42]. There is evidence of our systems directing the few available free radicals in response to severe infections. However, medical interpretations of this fail to consider this as a sign of malnourished immune response in addition to making assumptions regarding the nature of the bacterium associated with carcinogenesis, inflammation and suspected of altering miRNA expression [43]. DMT and similar substances scientifically recognised role in the regulation of anti-inflammatory systems and mRNA processes, in addition to it's anti-caner, anti-tumour, anti viral and antibacterial actions, etc indicate that nutritional deprivation is more likely the cause of dysfunctional DNA methylation and the cascade of associated issues covered previously [44][45][46].

After some initial dead-ends lead nowhere but the definition of en (i mutation) I have up for a brief moment [84] it basically less directly didn't do quiet as good of a job as the following. In the end after searching their proton German, Greek/Latin backgrounds it turns out it might have been quicker to just search the suffix -en on it's own.

-in (1)

the adverb in attached to a verb as a word-forming element, by 1960, abstracted from sit-in, which is attested from 1941 in reference to protests and 1937 in reference to labor union actions (which probably was influenced by sit-down strike) but was popularized in reference to civil disobedience protests aimed at segregated lunch counters.

As a word-forming element it was extended first of other types of protests, then by 1965 (teach-in) to any sort of communal gathering (such as love-in, attested by 1967; slim-in, for dieters, 1973). In labor actions it was perhaps less useful: "a mass of workers calling in sick to absent themselves in protest" was called both a sick-out (1970) and a sick-in (1974).

also from 1960

-in (2)

word-forming element in chemistry, usually indicating a neutral substance, antibiotic, vitamin, or hormone; a modification and specialized use of -ine (2). Online EtymologyDictionary [88].


Inflection of -īvus (accusative masculine plural)This is the meaning of -īvus:

-ivus (Latin)

Origin & history

From the Proto-Indo-European -iHwós‎, an extended form of-wós. Cognate with Ancient Greek-εῖος‎ (whence also some Latin forms in-ēus).


  1. Adjective suffix

       Added to the perfect passive participial stem of verbs, forming a deverbal adjective meaning “doing” or “related to doing” [85]

hormone (from the Greek participle ὁρμῶν, "setting in motion") is a class of signaling molecules in multicellular organisms that are sent to distant organs or tissues by complex biological processes to regulate physiology and behavior.[1]

Suffix [86]


  1. Used to denote the plural form of a small number of English nouns, the majority of whose etymologies go back to the n-stem (i.e. weak noun) declension of Germanic languages. quotations ▼

    Examples in general modern use:

    aurochs + ‎-en → ‎aurochsen[1]

    brother + ‎-en → ‎brethren (religious sense)[1]

    child + ‎-en → ‎children (cf. childer)[1]

    ox + ‎-en → ‎oxen[1]

To add some parasites and additional bacteria into the mix, according to Gawryluk ( 2023) Trypanosomatida, a group of insect vectored obligate parasites that includes numerous medically relevant species, including those in the genera Trypanosoma and Leishmania. And although Novymonas is a close relative of Leishmania, it is not a pathogen. Rather, it is an insect- limited parasite that inhabits the hind-gut of a bug, Niesthrea vincentii(Hemiptera: Rhopalidae), and was first isolated during a diversity survey in Ecuador. Novymonas harbours a small but variable number of b- proteobacterial symbionts, and alternates between a substratum-attached proliferative ‘rosette’ stage and an elongated motile ‘swimmer’ stage [47]. Zakharova A, Saura et al (2021) reckon "The closest relative of human pathogen Leishmania, the trypanosomatid Novymonas esmeraldas, harbors a bacterial endosymbiont "Candidatus Pandoraea novymonadis." Based on genomic data, we performed a detailed characterization of the metabolic interactions of both partners. While in many respects the metabolism of N. esmeraldas resembles that of other Leishmaniinae, the endosymbiont provides the trypanosomatid with heme, essential amino acids, purines, some coenzymes, and vitamins. In return, N. esmeraldas shares with the bacterium several nonessential amino acids and phospholipids. Moreover, it complements its carbohydrate metabolism and urea cycle with enzymes missing from the "Ca. Pandoraea novymonadis" genome. The removal of the endosymbiont from N. esmeraldas results in a significant reduction of the overall translation rate, reduced expression of genes involved in lipid metabolism and mitochondrial respiratory activity, and downregulation of several aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, enzymes involved in the synthesis of some amino acids, as well as proteins associated with autophagy. At the same time, the genes responsible for protection against reactive oxygen species and DNA repair become significantly upregulated in the aposymbiotic strain of this trypanosomatid." [48].

Togaviridae [14] are extremely interesting. Togaviridea consists of four genre with 26 species of Alphavirus, one species of Rubivirus, Three of Pestivirus and One of Arterivirus. The main characteristics are: (i). Spherical virus particles, 50-70nm polypeptides, predominantly glycosylated (ii).nucleacapsid comprises of a core protein and single strand positive-sense RNA, Mol weight 4x10⁶, where characterised the RNA has a m⁷ G cap, at the 5' and polyandelated at the 3' [the same dysfunctional splice sight identified in previous publications] (iii). Maturation involves budding to 30-35nm/50-70nm spherical nucleacapsids with confirmed or assumed icosahedral symmetry through cytoplasmic membranes. Subgenomic mNRA appear to represent the 3' end. Almost all Alphavirea are transmitted via mosquito. Members are related within but not between geniuses. They all respond similar thermodynamically decreasing activity with temp, and prefer pH in the 7+ range. Of the Four, although "trypsin resistant" of the genome Arterivirus is much smaller and presents less evidence of morphages [20]. Differences have been identified in Amino Acids with specific polypeptides for the Alpha and Rubella strains of the Togaviridea [21].

Methylobacterium is an important group of plant-associated bacteria and a model organism in microbiology. Ironically, Methylobacterium diversity and evolution have mostly been studied outside plants. However, precent studies provide a comprehensive reconstruction of Methylobacterium evolutionary history accounting for gene exchanges typical of Bacteria, and for diversity with known plant association [22]. Coincidentally Methlylobacterium also have four main groups. One study found "Methylobacterium. extorquens (72 to 80% amino acid identity) and xoxF from Paracoccus denitrificans (72 to 83% amino acid identity) than to mxaF from M. extorquens (50 to 53% amino acid identity). xoxF and mxaF′ are thought to encode an alternative PQQ-dependent dehydrogenase. Phylogenetic analysis further revealed that the rhizobial protein sequences are clustered with XoxF and MxaF′ and separated from the methanol dehydrogenase MxaF from α- and β-Proteobacteria." Thus concluded "that the sequences found in rhizobia probably do not correspond to a bona fide mxaF ortholog." [16] However, the distribution of overlap between these figures could potentially account for Male, Female and Hermathrodite cross sections. Whilst I don't wish to get into this create unnecessary BS genders, according the the E, elegans hermathrodite worms DMT is of Male genetics [50].

Methylobacterium oryzae.... The gene encoding tryptamine decarbox- ylase was not detected. This enzyme is aspartate aminotransferase superfamily protein that contains pyridoxal phosphate-binding site and also, called aromatic-L-amino acid decarboxylase. As CBMB20 has genes encoding aspartate aminotransferase (MOC_2191) and aromatic amino acid b-eliminating lyase/ threonine aldolase (MOC_0009), we assume that one of them may serve a function similar to that of tryptamine decarboxylase [17]. It is possible that this is due to not having Ethane and also due to not having the correct configuration of Nitrogen with one proton accompanied by 2 elctrons and other micro particles.

I find this work outright reckless and am unsure if it is plain stupidity or insidious motives attempting to sweep things under the carpet. "The traditional analysis of intact proteins has been augmented using tryptic digestion, which breaks down proteins into smaller peptide fragments of lower mass. In traditional MALDI-TOF-MS, intact proteins are predominantly analyzed for bacterial identification and disease diagnostics. However, the size of intact proteins can limit the resolution and, more crucially, the sensitivity of the mass spectrometer, potentially leading to challenges in accurately measuring low-abundance biomolecules. Tryptic digestion, a well- established technique in proteomics, involves the enzymatic cleavage of intact proteins into smaller peptide fragments of lower mass. Meanwhile, protein digestion itself is certainly not novel; herein, we provide the initial report of this procedural enhancement boosting both the sensitivity and specificity of MALDI-TOF-MS-based molecular diagnostics utilizing machine learning. We argue that gain in performance originates from the inherent sensitivity increase associated with the analysis of lower molecular weight fragments (compared to intact protein) and the ability to achieve sensitive, high-resolution reflection mode measurements at masses < 3 kDa, the range of the mass spectrum within which tryptic fragments generally appear [19]. They are possibly right in their 100fold predictions in the article. However, the only way to achieve that is to activate the N, N-DimEthylAmine configuration which due to it's facilitation of a stable equilibrium capable of facilitating precision quantum scale particle processes in the construction and deconstruction of nano networks of alloy coated carbon nano-structures capable of facilitating nuclear spin . Otherwise with what they are suggesting they are merely going to corrupt a system and ensure the right information never enters it. One of the challenges with turning the system on full blast is that much of it balances itself out aside potentially masting more subtle actions between the beyond question.

In addition to being the only metallic bio organic nutrient, Tungsten is reportedly one of the most powerful "antibacterial" and "antiviral" compounds [25] particularly highly negative charged polyoxotungstates against bacterium such as H. Pylori [26]. Some are fixed on ideas of eradicating bacterial misbalances assuming they are strictly "bad" . However, studies from a more holistic perspective involving a tungsten supplemented molybdenum-free diet have shown that supplemented diet attenuates bacterial translocation [24]. This should not be interpreted that Molybdenum is bad and tungsten good in any exclusive sense as this too is likely a case of creating balance. Unfortunately, our species are cowards and like to perpetuate fear with language such as "tungsten-contaminated soil" in relation to a perfectly natural occurrence of tungstens presence in cabbage, just encase it could be detrimental to health. However, interestingly the same study revealed that "bacterial inoculation did not affect lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) growth or tungsten uptake via root, "tungsten-resistant" bacteria increased translocation of tungsten from root to shoot". Inoculation with "tungsten-resistant" bacteria and plant growth increased microbial diversity in "tungsten-contaminated" soil. Then they conclude that the "results indicate a role of the bacteria and plants in phytoremediation of tungsten-contaminated soil" as if they have found a solution to something the results indicate isn't even a problem [28]. One way to get funding I guess. A more critial and integral conclusion might be along the lines of "after exploring a range of variables, the combination of bacteria X and cabbage in a tungsten rich soil appears to support healthy balanced micro-biodiversity". Therefore it is entirely possible a little bit of tungsten naturally filtered through cabbage and other plants could potentially help balance healthy biodiversity of bacteria and other micro-organisms within the human system warranting further studies into biodiversity in such organic micro-environments.

It would appear that Tungsten has the potential to act as a metabolite for Electrogenic Bacteria found in mud. Electrogenic bacteria are a group of microorganisms that can transfer electrons across the cell envelope onto different electron acceptors, such as electrodes and minerals, or even to another bacteria. The process is based on the electrochemical interactions between microbes and electrodes. For this process to function, a potential microbe must have proper reducing power and a cellular mechanism through which the electrons can be transferred from the living organism onto the abiotic surface [30]. Apparently Tungsten and Molybdium don't always get along well and can be toxic in too higher doses [37][38]. This is easily resolved by filtering microparticles through organic plant life and making nice cups of tea. It is important to have too much DMT over not enough. This is where certain studies with urines were arse about face. it's like cooking for shearers, they're hungry and if there aren't leftovers they're still hungry. The DMT is like the fuel and the metals etc the toolkit and expendables. Regular consumption of DMT will clear out excess buildup of lead and other heavy metals assuming you don't have too many of those too. But this is where regularity and balance comes in. It is also healthy to rotate substances to flush the system with similar substances. This is the beauty of cactus. They are all different. not enough is awful and too much can be interesting to manage so this is where responsibility comes in and creating safe contexts for people to undertake such practices perhaps a peer training system but honestly even though it would be best for everyone to dose weekly it's not easy to do. I was far healthier when I was consuming regular rather than running myself into the ground...

The essential role of molybdenum in biology has been recognised for decades and molybdoenzymes are ubiquitous. Yet, it is only recently that a biological role for tungsten has been established in prokaryotes, although not as yet in eukaryotes." [31]. "Molybdenum is the only second-row transition metal that is required by most living organisms, and the few species that do not require molybdenum use tungsten" {32]. The best characterized organisms with regard to their metabolism of tungsten are certain species of hyperthermophilic archaea (Pyrococcus furiosus and Thermococcus litoralis), methanogens (Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum and Mb. wolfei), Gram-positive bacteria (Clostridium thermoaceticum, C. formicoaceticum and Eubacterium acidaminophilum), Gram-negative anaerobes (Desulfovibrio gigas and Pelobacter acetylenicus) and Gram-negative aerobes (Methylobacterium sp. RXM). Of these, only the hyperthermophilic archaea appear to be obligately tungsten-dependent. Four different types of tungstoenzyme have been purified: formate dehydrogenase, formyl methanofuran dehydrogenase, acetylene hydratase, and a class of phylogenetically related oxidoreductases that catalyze the reversible oxidation of aldehydes. These are carboxylic reductase, and three ferredoxin-dependent oxidoreductases which oxidize various aldehydes, formaldehyde and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate. All tungstoenzymes catalyze redox reactions of very low potential (≤−420 mV) except one (acetylene hydratase) which catalyzes a hydration reaction. The tungsten in these enzymes is bound by a pterin moiety similar to that found in molybdoenzymes. The first crystal structure of a tungsten- or pterin-containing enzyme, that of aldehyde ferredoxin oxidoreductase from P. furiosus, has revealed a catalytic site with one W atom coordinated to two pterin molecules which are themselves bridged by a magnesium ion." [31]. Tungsten (W) interferes with molybdenum (Mo) binding sites [33] however, this is to be expected if Tungsten is a key metabolic component of a secondary metabolic tryptic configuration which requires Molybdium to stand down whilst W increases the power and efficiency of everything for a temporary period of time dependant upon how much energy is required and how much work is to be done. As Molybdium is said to be essential it can be considered a constant like Tryptophan & under the right conditions likely plays a significant role in maintaining a stable equilibrium.

Gaseous molybdenum consists of the diatomic species Mo2 as gaseous Tungsten is Diatomic too. That molecule is a singlet, with two unpaired electrons in bonding orbitals, in addition to 5 conventional bonds it's capable of a sextuple bond [52][53].

Another study confirming tungsten electron acceptation from the most strictly anaerobic bacterium Aromatoleum aromaticum which made it unique amongst other species in a study that identified 24 enzymes indicating tungsten plays a role in the human gut microbiome [34]. The name Aromatoleum aromaticum is very interesting. Almost as if it is reliant upon a couple of highly aromating Molecules to function properly. One study demonstrates the difference between gene orientation and the degradation pathways of the molecules proving the the donor acceptor exchange is not as simple as it seems and that DMT is not endogenous as it cannot be fully substituted. This study did not involve actual DMT molecules just similar subfamily substitutes [51]. just because there are little pieces resembling DMT or perhaps tryptamine found in the human system doesn't prove anything. Unless you can 100% prove that the subject did not breath in molecules likely to be floating around the atmosphere due to the trillions of acacia trees we have dropping leaves to degrade you cannot prove it's not a contaminant. Assuming DMT does have a metal Ligand which is highly likely and that happened to be Tungsten for example it is possible the process could change DMT from forms: α and β forms of tungsten once such a transition is made I'm unsure if it's possible to return turn it back into DMT which is possibly one of the reasons many experiments have issues in addition to problems such a N configurations, donor electrons, etc. Therefore, DMT is an essential amino acid. Perhaps not in the sense of constant but in that regular consumption is required to sustain healthy development. Whilst active everything is reversible and I shouldn't rule out the possibility of proving science wrong on a few things. However, in ways it is like DMT sacrifices himself for Tryptophan ironically on a fiery cross for mRNA transcription. Not for your sins but out of chivalry over and over again. This is not to say the energy stops there after flows through into another form. Whilst part of me wants the sum to meet the Double factorial 2n!!

This get difficult to speak to to as , N, N- Dimethyltryptamine likely gives and receives all kinds of gives when he gets to the party. The shared electrons amongst amens appears more common than I realised to the point I'm unsure how I took so long to come across it. I do find it concerning to hear scientists refer to N configurations as defects when they are obviously functional (But you can't sell something functional half as well as the fear of it being a defect that only they can fix). These configurations explain at least some of how amines arrange themselves in hierarchies. I'm willing to bet bet everything I own that DMT will at least share though possibly outrank Tryptophan in terms of control. However, in a manner that's in service to her and to his detriment. Yes, I am using gender based terminology as like in addition to Pauli predicting a "neutrino" the Neurotransmitter Atlas identified via C, Elegans that the neurotransmitters being deprived nutrition are of male genealogical origin I think via the hermaphrodite ones so don't worry no worms were left out or offended in the process. The one question it always comes back to is the dominant force and where the conscious control comes from? It doesn't matter though. Nor does it matter what order which electrons, Muoniums, Postroniums, protons, neutrons and atoms are exchanged in any which order between, the Tryptofamily and friends. All that matters is if anyone "knows" what they're doing managing the unstablest shit in the universe in the unstablest conditions it's them.

Proton emission (also known as proton radioactivity) is a rare type of radioactive decay in which a proton is ejected from a nucleus.

Muonium (/mjuːˈoʊniəm/) is an exotic atom made up of an antimuon and an electron,[1] which was discovered in 1960 by Vernon W. Hughes[2] and is given the chemical symbol Mu. During the muon's 2.2 µs lifetime, muonium can undergo chemical reactions.[3] Because, like a proton, the antimuon's mass is vastly larger than that of the electron, muonium (μ+e−) is more similar to atomic hydrogen (p+e−) than positronium (e+e−).

Positronium (Ps) is a system consisting of an electron and its anti-particle, a positron, bound together into an exotic atom, specifically an onium. Unlike hydrogen, the system has no protons. The system is unstable: the two particles annihilate each other to predominantly produce two or three gamma-rays, depending on the relative spin states. The energy levels of the two particles are similar to that of the hydrogen atom(which is a bound state of a proton and an electron). However, because of the reduced mass, the frequencies of the spectral lines are less than half of those for the corresponding hydrogen lines.

The lowest energy orbital state of positronium is 1S, and like with hydrogen, it has a hyperfine structure arising from the relative orientations of the spins of the electron and the positron.

The singlet state, 1S0, with antiparallel spins (S = 0, Ms = 0) is known as para-positronium (p-Ps).

The triplet states, 3S1, with parallel spins (S = 1, Ms = −1, 0, 1) are known as ortho-positronium (o-Ps),

Ortho-positronium lifetime in vacuum can be calculated. However more accurate calculations with corrections to the big O (α2). As they call Tryptophan the big O it's possible that in a vacume sealed cryptocarbon there's a Positronium.

The tetraneutron is considered an unbound isotope with a lifetime around 10-22 seconds.[1]: 275  The stability of this cluster of four neutrons is not supported by current models of nuclear forces.[2]Bertulani and Zelevinsky proposed that, if it existed, the tetraneutron could be formed by a bound state of two dineutron systems.[9] or a bound state of two tetraneutrons.

Diphenylborinic acid was discovered in 1894 by Michaelis who produced it by hydrolyzing the chloride. Letsinger determined its properties in 1955. [70]

Diphenylborinic acid has an extra high affinity for catechols compared with carbohydrates [71].

Diphenylborinic acid can catalyse the condensation of pyruvic acids with aldehydes to yield substituted isotetronic acid [72].

Diphenylborinic acid is an inhibitor of several enzymes such as α-chymotrypsinsubtilisin BPN', and trypsin [73].

1,1,1,3,3,3-Hexafluoroisopropylbis(pentafluorophenyl)borinate can greatly increase solubility of LiF by complexing the F− anion.[22] 

Humans have around 5 litres of blood in our systems. Red blood cells RBC have no nucleus and acts as a transport system carrying oxygen and nutrients to living cells and taking away their waste products, whilst delivering immune cells to fight infections and platelets that can plug damaged blood vessel to prevent blood loss [75]. All blood-cells start off as stem cells in the bone-marrow before maturing into RBCs, white blood cells WBCs & platelets. By letting a tube of blood sit it forms three layers RBC bottom, WBCs and plasma up top, which can be further divided via centrifugation. Although mainly water, plasma contains many important substances such as proteins (albumin, clotting factors, antibodies, enzymes, and hormones), sugars (glucose), and fat particles. As part of the immune response WBCs come in many different shapes and sizes. Some have nuclei with multiple lobes, whilst others contain one large, round nucleus. Neutrophils digest bacteria and are apparently known as polymorphonuclear cells due to containing a nucleus whose shape (morph) is irregular and contains many (poly) lobes which belong to WBC sub group known as granulocytes because their cytoplasm is dotted with granules that contain enzymes to digest pathogens. Monocytes are young WBCs that develop into macrophages after they have left the blood and migrated into tissue. There they provide an immediate defence engulfing (phagocytose) and digesting pathogens before other types of WBCs arrive. Different types maintain areas including lugs, liver and spleen. Lymphocytes are round cells containing a single, large round nucleus. Once activated, the two types, B mature in the bone marrow and T in the Thalamus gland each produce highly specific antibodies that bind to the agent that triggered the immune response. T cells, secrete chemicals that recruit other immune cells and help coordinate their attack. Whilst, cytotoxic T cells, attacks virally infected cells. As previously stated pallets regulate blood clotting [75].

There are a broad range of associated conditions that can go wrong with blood or be indicated by your 'full blood count' which basically measures levels of hemoglobin (Hb) [heme (iron) and globin (protein)], the number of RBCs (RBCs), average size of a RBC (MCV) and the amount of space RBCs take up in the blood (hematocrit). Hemoglobin binds oxygen and is the oxygen-carrying protein that is found within all RBCs consisting of four globin proteins—two alpha chains and two beta chains—each with a heme group each contains one iron atom which can bind one molecule of oxygen, carrying up to to total four molecules of oxygen. How readily hemoglobin binds oxygen includes factors such as plasma pH, plasma bicarbonate levels, and the pressure of oxygen [75]. However, although all of the above is significant to the consideration fo testing current samples the oxygen molecules would seem of great significance as whilst it's job distributing O as required part of that may also involve withholding it and even binding and distributing other molecules throughout "tryptic digestion". This come to mind with due to the deep almost involuntary breath-work that often accompanies large doses of ayahuasca, smoked DMT or similar substances. Whilst some of these may seem abnormal to medical science as reflected by poorer worded scientific accounts of human responses such as the contorted "sacred yoga" sometimes described as seizures when although it may look otherwise the process in gently untangling muscle knots presumably via micro chemical releases of the right kind, under the right position at the right time. Whilst it may appear awkward and discomfortable the worst thing is when you either don't have a large enough dose or otherwise have other problems that require more urgent attention. Like a massage it's a bit of a tease only getting half the knots out from between all the softer tissue groups between your scapula, thoracic and cervical spine.

In molecular biology, the symbol is used as shorthand to signify a genetic construct introduced by a two-point crossover

Dissociative recombination is a chemical process in which a positive polyatomic ion recombines with an electron, and as a result, the neutral molecule dissociates.[1] 

Some commonly used boronic acids and their derivatives give a positive Ames test and act as chemical mutagens. The mechanism of mutagenicity is thought to involve the generation of organic radicals via oxidation of the boronic acid by atmospheric oxygen [74].

Tryptophan [78], Serotonin [79] and Melatonin [80].

Psilocybin [81] & N, N-Dimethyltryptamine [82].

A page the struct a fe chords with me whilst brushing up on the basics of language I, could use far more efficiently and effectively if I actually knew it. who'd have thought so much information could be in an 'en' we take for granted [87]. You can certainly see why they wouldn't wan't that kind of information getting out to the general public!!!


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