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Mark Parker

Universal Asylum – Court Documents: Table of Contents

1) Universal Asylum – Court Documents: Table of Contents

This document.

Introduction to Universal Asylum & its’ claim over rights & authorities to N, N-Dimethyltryptamine & other “Forbidden Fruit” & in challenging to World Leaders & Governments to submit to Universal Asylum in collaboratively forming a World Trust to facilitate the transition to a One World Leaderless System of Governance.

Evidence of prior attempts to see the therapeutic value of N, N-Dimethyltryptamine clinically tested against Covid19. Document also demonstrates challenges of attempting to speak to the subject in an ethical manner that avoided disclosing sensitive information with significant potential social & ecological implications during an international emergency.

Primary motive for Universal Asylum burning flags in Victory Square – To have a Judge examine Universal Asylums’ work on N, N-Dimethyltryptamine & other “forbidden Fruit” & its’ claims to the rights & authorities over such substances on public record in a court of law.

Aggravated Criminal Negligence underpinning Universal Asylums’ mission & purpose.

Secondary motive for Universal Asylum burning flags in Victoria Square – Further information on Universal Asylums’ challenge to world leaders to unite in forming a World Trust with the intention of facilitating a smooth & efficient transition towards a One World Leaderless System of Governance. The one world nature of such a concept is also very relevant to the symbolism of burning flags in challenging the world to unite as one.

An example of the urgency of my actions in some of my more desperate attempts to raise governmental attention to the profound therapeutic value of N, N-Dimethyltryptamine & other “Forbidden Fruit”.

List of significant dates leading up to Universal Asylum setting alight the flag / flag pole in Victoria Square.

9) University of South Australia, Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement & Official Academic Transcript: Bachelor of Social Work.

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