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Blocking Opiate & Benzodiazapine Withdrawal, & Entheogenic Purging of Toxins - via the Apendix?

Mark Parker

Updated: Aug 16, 2022

( ((DISCLAIMER)) ): I am NOT a Doctor & this is NOT to be considered as Medical Advice. Rather I am a fully qualified Social Worker & Unsanctioned Experimental Researcher with Extensive Drug & Alcohol Experience who is attempting to accurately & responsibly document the EXPERIMENTAL research I have conducted upon myself in advocating for through & efficient scientific research to be conducted into the therapeutic value of a broad range of entheogenic substances.

( ((CAUTION)) ): Whilst acknowledging & advocating for every individuals right to make their own informed decisions regarding personal risks - I feel a deep sense of social responsibility to advise that although much of my actions & work is supported by medical science, that this is limited & may be misleading due to the fact that it fails to take into account far more complex variables such as genetic factors & complex metabolic processes with the potential to pose SERIOUS DANGERS including DEATH. Such discussions far exceed the scope of my best attempts of accurately & responsibly document my work, in addition to area of expertise as a Social Worker. In saying this I am working on developing relationships with other professionals in more informed positions to contribute to such critical discussions.


An interesting observation I've made via using combinations Hirsuta & Aminita Mascaria to symptomatically "block/mask" withdrawal from dangerous Opiate & Benzodiazapine based pharmaceutical "medicines", in conjunction with Psilocybin & Ayahausca to hyperactivate the central nervous system, increase the power & efficiency of generalised autoimmune systems & the regulation of inflammatory systems in facilitating symptomatic relief & express detoxification of residual toxins - is the bodies ability (under the right conditions) to rapidly purge toxins into the lower gastrointestinal tract (possibly via the appendix) for efficient expulsion via the anus.

Although I have randomly consciously experienced the sensation of "something" being excreted into the lower gastrointestinal tract prior to anal purges in the past throughout my unsanctioned experimental research - in more recent times the consistency of such phenomenon throughout the treatment of such acute medical circumstances has lead me to realise the potential significance of the above.

Anyone with a relevant medical background &/or experience with dependance upon such dangerous "medicines" would undoubtedly find the full details of what I have achieved over recent months extremely interesting & agree it to be of great medical significance.

In addition to its significance to the management of substance use & withdrawal - this also presents a sound hypothesis as to the mysterious purpose of the appendix with an array of possibilities in creating conditions by which it is possible to safely & repeatably test the above in clinical settings.

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