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Image by Jeremy Thomas


Founding Artwork

Universal Asylum does not consider the human species as the centre of &/or of any more importance than anything else in the universe.

Proceeds raised via founding artworks:

Once transferred to Not For Profit, Charity status Universal Asylum intends to retain the minimum commission on all artworks to maintain customers eligibility for charitable tax purposes in supporting the broader operations of the company with proceeds falling outside of this being paid directly to the artist responsible for their work. 

Unfortunately until Universal Asylum obtains "Not For Profit, Charitable" status sales &/or donations will not be eligible for charitable tax benefits.

Nevertheless, sales made prior to Not For Profit, Charity status being secured will be divided in a similar manner with Universal Asylum retaining a 51% commission on founding artworks, investing proceeds towards general costs associated with the initial establishment of Universal Asylums & setting up to achieve its primary objectives.

Once the early stages of establishment are underway proceeds raised are intended to support the broader operations of the Universal Asylum & it's many complex roles associated with saving ourselves & everything else in this magical world, from ourselves & one another.

HX Monaro 2000

HX Monaro 2000

Medium: ✏ on 📃

Drawn not long after moving back to Whyalla with Dad. Based on an art folder with copy's this was part of a school project At Edward John Eyre high school.

As the subject was "Craft" this peice was done with the aid of a projector thus NOT freehand & served as more of an exercise in the use of technology in efficiently transposing imagery & practising skills such as shading, etc.

I enrolled there at least a couple of years trying to better myself but only really done kinda ok it art subjects. I was crap at design as I couldn't get the process of starting with a shit idea & improving upon it. I was like it with a lot of subjects actually I was great at solutions just could never get there the way they wanted me to.

The Police had probably defected my HQ prem by then. Although far from a Monaro I possibly owned a HX with a freak 253 the Police aledgedly couldn't manage to catch. Dunno? Was long time ago & my memory's a bit vague. Nevertheless, the old Holden's were a solid chunk of Australian history. They certainly don't build em like they used to...


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