HX Monaro 2000
Medium: ✏ on 📃
Drawn not long after moving back to Whyalla with Dad. Based on an art folder with copy's this was part of a school project At Edward John Eyre high school.
As the subject was "Craft" this peice was done with the aid of a projector thus NOT freehand & served as more of an exercise in the use of technology in efficiently transposing imagery & practising skills such as shading, etc.
I enrolled there at least a couple of years trying to better myself but only really done kinda ok it art subjects. I was crap at design as I couldn't get the process of starting with a shit idea & improving upon it. I was like it with a lot of subjects actually I was great at solutions just could never get there the way they wanted me to.
The Police had probably defected my HQ prem by then. Although far from a Monaro I possibly owned a HX with a freak 253 the Police aledgedly couldn't manage to catch. Dunno? Was long time ago & my memory's a bit vague. Nevertheless, the old Holden's were a solid chunk of Australian history. They certainly don't build em like they used to...