I'm sure I'll get crusified for this which is hypocritical as doing so is acting with the same level of intolerance it pretends to champion against.
Truth is I didn't even know what this means when I copied it out of a magazine towards the end of outgrowing that childhood phase of being influenced by my cousins death metal posters. I'm unsure I was even a teenager yet. I remember one of my only favourite teachers Paul Grauze from Hawker Area School saying he found it hard to believe someone with my values drew it & at the time I remember even without fully understanding its context knowing it didn't sit right with me.
In fact growing up on the outskirts of a heavily racist culture that persecuted me for challenging it has been a major influence on fighting for macro level solutions to racism.
I'm not pretending this is tastful or that I've never been racist myself. However, if it someway helps the cause it'll be worth it I guess!!!