The Adventureas of Hambo alias Porkey ("Book")
The Adventures of Hambo alias Porkey is a 15-16.5pg (appears to have been pg number confusion in its original production) written by yours truely & co-authored by an unknown fellow student at Nicholoson Avenue Primary School.
According to the print on the back of the scrap paper upon which "Hambo" is so passionately written & illustrated it would appear the book was written leading up to or around the time of my 10th birthday.
Price is for full original version. Consideration is currently being given to the possibility of eventially making digital versions available to the public. However, before making hasty decisions & until otherwise stated Universal Asylums is open to negitiation with serious investers as to how "The Adventures of Hambo alias Porkey" may best serve the (hopefully soon the be) charity's facility to pursue its ambitious mission of saving the our shit-species & everything else within this magical world we've abused our priveledge of coinhabiting - from ourselves & one another!