The first case of an Australian Carpet Python with evidence of Inclusion Body Disease (IBD) symptoms being successfully treated with “Ayahausca” came as an act of love informed by an advanced understanding demonstrated throughout an extensive portfolio of relevant intellectual publications when faced with potentially having to euthanise my beloved pet and closest companion. For a long time I planned to avoid mentioning this until legitimising Universal Asylums work due to the potential for retards who know fuck all enough about the subject to get upset. However, the results of such unanticipated emergency response to mitigating circumstances are of far to greater significance not to mention and it provides context as to why all the sudden I'm crapping on about snakes.
The most logical approach to this case is to introduce Psychotria and where she fits amongst years of unauthorised experimental research into the therapeutic value of a broad range of substances I never anticipated would prove as significant to her species as the are humans. This will require summarising my earlier work & demonstrated evidence of an advanced informed understanding of relevant subject matter prior to the first signs she was unwell and influence of this upon my initial response critical analysis of existing scientifically informed misunderstandings of IBD. Followed by the circumstance by which I acted within her best interests by administering a humane available treatment which proved successful in preventing her from being euthanised. In doing so a far more plausible logical alternate hypothesis which accounts for the discrepancies in 40years of biased scientific assumptions that IMB is caused by viruses. Python and Boas have something in common with humans (and countless other species) which the Wold health Organisation and United Nations continue to active prevent scientific research into for over 50years ignoring scientific evidence strong enough to consider them terrorist organisations. Obviously Psychotria’s case offers a potential treatment for IBD and preventative measures supporting the health of Pythons and Boas in captivity. However, it has also inspired Universal Asylums conceptualisation of a scientific research model involving snakes and psychedelics which in conjunction with it’s medical research design is invaluable to scientific understandings the coevolutionary interrelationships between animals, viruses and ecological contexts. Whilst claiming copyright over all original ideas, concepts and associated commercial opportunities, Universal Asylum seeks support of the global scientific community to undertake such research to obtain critical information for the reevaluation of existing science and in the development a state of the art quantum core computer/cyber-software system capable of facilitating comprehensive ongoing analysis of the evolution of humans within our global ecological contexts, to ensure collective interests and social stability whilst adapting to the needs of an evolving oppressiveness leaderless futuristic society.
Firstly: What are Snakes?
According to The Bible Genesis 3:1-24 a snake is a cunt that lives in the tree of life and manipulated a woman into manipulating a man into eating fruit which turned them both into prudes yet somehow so awesome that God allegedly kicked them out the garden [40]. I don’t know about anyone else but to me that sound like a bullshit tail used to manipulate everyone into experiencing every threat it projected. If they lied about that what about God? The Tree of Life and that dreaded snake? What else?
According to Ossiboff (2018) Snakes are limbless, elongated reptiles that are found on every continent except Antarctica. More than 3500 species of snake are members of the suborder Serpentes [1]. There are 15 Snake families [2] the most significant of which include more than 40 species of true Boidae (Boas) [3], approximately 1,760 species of colubrids, accounting for roughly two-thirds of the world’s snakes [4] around 300 species of Elapidae (Elapids) [5], roughly 50 species Hydrophiidae (Sea Snakes) [6], about 40 species of Python [7] and 200 odd Viper species [8]. Of these Pythons and Boas are nonvenomous constrictors and are predominately climbers though subject to ecological variability in individual species preferred natural habitats, whilst the remaining families are either poisonous or venomous ground dwelling snakes [9].
Psychotria is a Female Australian Albino Darwin Carpet Python (Morelia spilota variegata NT) bread in Captivity who hatched late 2016 – 2017 and is currently roughly 7.5yrs old. I purchased her that May, several months into full scale exploration of the therapeutic value of N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) & Other "Forbidden Fruit" after Eleven doses of Ayahausca (Aya) made using leaved from the Amazonian shrub Psychotria Viridis being one of two primary traditional ingredients. Obviously this inspired her name. However whilst under no illusions regarding the value of DMT the odds of it proving to be of critical significance to her particular species along side the timing of that and how it fits with the rest of my work almost seems like an act of fate.
For 6.5years Psychotria was the perfect pet for anyone my position. Like most snakes once set up right she was relatively cheap low maintenance pet capable of providing companionship when sociable but otherwise not demanding too much attention. Years of weekly consumption of entheogenic plants in evolving complex states of health contributed to developing an advanced understanding of their profound diverse therapeutic actions. They were clearly invaluable to the critical problem of managing our ageing population which I’d been working on since I started my social Work degree early 2008 yet aside from 1000’s of hours of video footage and documentation which was more likely to incrimination me that support my case I remained unable to prove it.
Covid19 lead me to medical science that supported different aspects to understanding I’d developed, included using Ayahausca to overcome a suspected viral meningitis infection. Initially I kept my mouth shut and spent every cent ensuring a select few had everything they needed to survive. After Australia unexpectedly contained the virus I realised that it might be possible to gain emergency authorities for otherwise over-regulated field of science. However, without money to secure ownership that I’ve consistently advocated should belong to everyone from the start my every attempt proved futile leading a publicity stunt in 2020 which saw me detained and dismissed for refusing to provide details until such rights were secured.
Realising Universal Asylum owned all intellectual property on its business website I published N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) & Other "Forbidden Fruit" - Central Nervous System Specific Nutrients. which provides a unique evidence based hypothesis arguing that that DMT is uncharacteristic of a “drug” rather fitting the profile of an essential nutrient that drastically increases the power and efficiency of complex autoimmune and metabolic processes. Complete with sociological critique of various forms of systemic corruption resulting variations of similar substances being considered sacred by ancient civilisations and indigenous cultures yet remain over-regulated by dominant cultures. This supports strong allegations of criminal negligence against governments interconnected to Universal Asylum staking its claim to the Universe and publicly announcing its intention to facilitate the transition to Universal Asylums One World Leaderless System Of Governance in May 2021. Of course, when I got Covid19 which was nasty despite being vaccinated Ayahausca stopped all symptoms. July 2022 two years after my detainment the medical journal titled “Ayahuasca and its interaction with the sigma-1 receptor: a potential treatment for COVID-19” (C19) was published. Though I remained unaware until 2023.
August 2022, Universal Asylum published its Ayahausca Assisted Rapid Opioid Detoxification Treatment Model which involved the administration of Narcan under the influence of Ayahausca to efficiently and comfortably detox from Oxycodone. Initially published as an evidence based hypothesis drawing from the founding publication in it’s conceptualisation of anadvanced preplanned unauthorised experimental medical treatment model. Once the major component of the experiment was complete the publication updated with video evidence and documentation of the profound groundbreaking results, with daily notes form about a week reporting any potential signs of withdrawal.
After failing to get anyone to take seriously what I knew was groundbreaking work I published Metabolic Implications of "Psychedelics / Forbidden Fruit" upon DRUG Saturation - Planning Document on October 12 2022. This reversing the treatment model into a multi factorial analysis involving a set of three experiments repeating the same process with Suboxone and Narcan under the influence of Ayahausca, Mescaline and Psilocybin. However, in addition to film and documentation, this experiment included regular blood-plasma, urine, faeces and saliva samples, in addition to medically approved blood-pressure readings etc. The idea was to support both Universal Asylums medical treatment model, founding hypothesis whilst undertaking an independent enquiry and raise a case against the primitive system of governance responsible for the overregulation. N,N-Dimethyltryptamine, Tryptophan & Serotonin Convert to LIVE Microspecies Connecting Ancient RNA-Binding Motif to SM Domain via Unexplained C-Terminal in Lsm1 Complex & Eat PAT1 whilst RNA Splicing!
First Signs of Infection and Initial Response
July 2023 a woman I know spotted Psychotria experiencing head tremors which I took the following footage of. Although quite frequent I hadn’t noticed as being winter I avoided disturbing her any more than necessary.
Youtube: Psychotria's Head Tremors
Although I was distressed as she wasn't in urgent need of veterinary treatment I sought advise from reptile groups on facebook to ensure what little I could afford was invested to her greatest benefit. The responses consistently suggested either neurological disorder or respiratory infection the later of which a lady helped walk me through the steps of physical examination. Although we didn't find any physical symptoms in her mouth to suggest respiratory infection she was a bit hissy. Having said this the inspection likely caused distress opening her mouth. As someone asked her weight to assist with advice I put Psychotria in a bag and took her to Woolworths fruit and veg section to weigh her as she exceeded the two kg limit of my kitchen scales. As suggest to fully cleaned and sterilise her enclosure which required new substrate I visited the pet-shop as soon as it was open. The lady there confirmed the online prognosis and that Psychotria could live with it whilst still feeding and otherwise in "good health". She recommended that out of two vet that it would be worth driving further if required. Once I’d done everything I could I kept an eye on her whilst undertaking further research into what she was dealing with which almost immediately lead me to Inclusion Body Disease.
Inclusion Body Disease
Inclusion Body Disease (IBD) was initially documented in captive snakes of the Boa and Python varieties from the 1970s and is named after distinct cellular mutations known as "inclusion bodies" (IB) throughout the central nervous system (CNS) and all major organs including the Liver, Kidneys, lymphatic system and even blood of affected snakes [10]. Until now IBD has been considered an untreatable terminal disease assumed to be caused by viral infections. However, by time Pythons and Boas deteriorate to their systems are often overwhelmed by secondary conditions such as respiratory infections, inflammatory problems. etc. Earlier research appeared to indicate a strong correlation with retrovirus [11 & 12] and more recently arenaviruses previously thought to infect only rodents and humans have been identified in snakes with IBD [11]. Some even claim reptarenaviruses is the "cause" IBD [1 & 13]despite noting this differs significantly between captive pythons and boas in Belgium, and evidence of reptarenaviruses in Boa populations in Costa Rica in the 1980s [14]. Bornavirus, also associated with IBD [15] has been detected and genome sequenced from a wild caught African Garter Snake [16] with divergent bornaviruses have been identified in Australian pythons with neurological disease that date back over 66million years prior to the end-Cretaceous extinction [17].
Dosing Psychotria
My emotional attachment to Psychotria clouded my judgment in ways I’m unsure I can do justice and am almost embarrassed to admit. It took me years to overcome the trauma of having my diamond python Leggs put down & I was once again faced with a similar situation. The night I dosed her wasn’t preplanned. Although I had been told she was fine whilst still eating she wasn’t climbing anymore, and was loosing coordination like she was drunk. It was late at night and I was filled with sadness at the thought of having to put an end to what I considered suffering. I’m unsure I’d considered the Neuroregenerative and antiviral actions DMT or the role in regulation of inflammatory systems supporting my earliest evidence based publications [18, 19, 20 & 21] that had later been affirmed directly in relation to Covid19 as serious viral infection [22] leading up until that point in time. It was like a moment of clarity where I was suddenly able to recognise the blatantly obvious parallels and realised the least I could do was give her best shot at life and I knew it couldn’t do her any harm. I measured her the equivalent to an adequate dose based on our body weights, squirted it down her mouth & went to bed to allow her to heal in peace. The following morning I awoke and she was slithering all over her enclosure, she had her coordination back and could climb again. It was like she was a new snake. I wish I’d filmed it. However, it was an act of love which I approached entirely different to my unauthorised medical experiments on myself. I gave her a top up dose a month or so later after spotting the slightest symptom. B 1` 1`````````````````````````````````````````111111111 ÅShe was fine for approximately 12months until recently showing symptoms again. Initially mainly in the form of odd head positioning then some twitching again but I'm not allowing her to get that bad again
Alternate Hypothesis IBD cause by prolonged deprivation of DMT(+) etc.
According to Stenglein (2020) “In reptile virology, it may be difficult to recognize the true emergence of a pathogen, as detection of previously unknown organisms has occurred rapidly in recent years. This has been due both to the use of new technologies in reptile diagnostics and to the increased interest of researchers from various backgrounds in reptiles as virus hosts” [23]. This is strongly reflected by the range of viruses [1, 11, 12, 13 & 15] and rate of comorbidity [13]. Correlation between viral infection in captive pythons and boas and development of IBD overtime proved consistent in the largest longterm study reviewed with some variation between species. Interestingly although one other species was documented as carrying a virus only Pythons and Boas totalling a mere approximate 80 of over 3500 species of snake are recognised to be susceptible to IBD with no mention of similar problems with the remaining 3420 other species to warrant similar levels of testing.
Despite scientific bias against viruses fuelled by age old assumptions associated with obvious factors associated with the neolithic revolution it is recognised that “The capacity for RNA viruses to evolve extremely rapidly under some circumstances, but hardly at all in others, and to undergo recombination and reassortment, makes the interpretation of their phylogenetic relationships much more difficult than for DNA viruses” [24]. In fact, many scientists are questioning the significance of increasing evidence confirming a harmonious coevolutionary symbiotic relationship between RNA viruses and the immune systems of the their host species. Rapidly advancing technological advancements in gene-sequencing indicate that everything pretty much ran like clockwork for most membersof most species across ecological systems for billions of years right up until the neolithic revolution [24, 25 & 26]. Evidence of intimate relationships between viruses speciesation indicates that viral evolution is gradual process taking place of millions of years gradually dividing from the ocean to land with the emergence of Pangea into infinite directions throughout the evolution of the diversity of complex ecosystems, influences by the division of continents and smaller land masses throughout the history of life on earth. Of course, this includes cospeciation between multiple organisms of interconnected ecological associations including where both ecological factors and exposure to pathogens whether via friend or foe and between predictors and prey all contributes the evolution of immune systems [24, 25 & 26]. The gradual nature of this helped maintain equilibrium viral/host evolution. In addition to endogenous retroviruses, mammalian genomes include sequences derived from a range of viruses including Circoviridae, Filoviridae,Bornaviridae, Parvoviridae, Herpesviridae covering countless species dating back millions of years. Van Blerkom (2003) was also critical of the fact that the study of human disease predominately assumes an epidemic disease model and globalisation since the neolith revolution and the complexities that countless variables create in the interpretation of attempting to place molecular clocks on viral evolution.
Whilst slowly heading in the right direction science keeps missing the factor of greatest significance which happens to be the one thing that Humans and Pythons and Boas in captivity have in common. According to Kiana, et al (2022) Nutritional deficiencies not only cause developmental failure, loss of various body functions, and other diseases such as diabetes, vision loss, immunity loss, and cancer. Apparently micronutrient deficiencies are the most prevalent type of nutritional deficiencies and are a major cause of inability to absorb nutrients essential to maintain optimal health [30]. Universal Asylums main founding evidence based hypothesis strongly advocates for the critical nutritional significance of DMT and other “forbidden fruit” to humans and animals. Science consistently overlooks the fact that Humans became increasingly distanced from our critically significant interrelationship with DMT/DMT+ as we abandon our natural habitats during the neolithic revolution. Along with the fact that the domestication of various animals inevitablyincluded similar yet intimate forms of nutritional deprivation. The function of endogenous nonretroviral sequences are Borna disease viruses has been well studied and can cause fatal encephalitis in sheep, horses, and cattle and other susceptible species with no detectable sequences in their genomes [26].Kyriakou E, et al., (2023) also recognise the interplay between endogenous and exogenous viruses with 8% of the human genome is occupied by ancient retroviral DNA [34].Pythons and Boas late to the party as a species critically dependant upon DMT to support healthy synergistic coevolution with RNA viruses which once removed from their natural habitats become susceptible to IBD due to prolonged nutritional deprivation consistent with the results of long term studies [13]. The above also provides possible explanations for the wild boas found with IBD where nucleoprotine amino acid sequencing raised questions regarding reptarenavirus being foreign to the Boas in Costa Rica or IBD caused by immunosuppression [14].
Nine amino acids—histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine—are claimednot synthesized and are therefore dietarily essential or indispensable nutrients. The nature of the cell wall can be influenced from the presence of other dietary factors that modify digestion and from chemical reactions such as binding of the amino groups of lysine and cross-linkages [37]. Contrary to frequent claims N,N-Dimethyltryptamine(DMT) is also an amino acid yet to be proven endogenous Universal Asylum hypothesises to be of primary significance potentially acting as the thermodynamically predominated N-invertomer in the conformational equilibrium between other essential amino acids [38] which is pH activated and ultimately driven by higher levels of consciousness. This is supported by the fact the DMT in the form of N,N-Dimethyletryptaminium (DMT+) is a live Major Microspecies capable of activating Tryptaminium, Serotonin(1+), Tryptophan Zwitterion, L-tryptophan zwitterion & D-tryptophan zwitterion as live Major Species connecting the cellular matrix [41] via “ancient RNA-binding” motif [42] to a mysterious unusually placed C terminal covering the opening of Lsm1 cells which has had scientists baffled for years [43, 44, 45].
Psychotria’s natural habitat as a native Australian Python would likely include frequent skin (or scale) contact with the bark of tree branches containing DMT. As a tree dwelling snake her natural prey would include regular consumption of birds many of which feed upon seeds and or reproductive organs of plants which Nergi et al (2021) confirm contain high level of tryptophan and tryptamines [31] which are scientifically recognised to support immune functions [19, 20, 21] and have functional interrelationships with serotonin [32].Coffin JM, (1997) describe the complexities of multidirectional reverse transcript action between DNA in humans, birds and reptiles [33] withNogueira, et al. (2024)confirming a direct relationship between DMT and gene expression despite uncertainty of the exact mechanisms [35] Universal Asylum stumbled upon whilst refining publications of similar independently drawn conclusions proposing DMT supports critical actions in complete and reverse hydrophilic splicing. Although questionably biased Rahman et al (2020) acknowledge errors in the process of RNA replication which can lead to mutations and cross species transmission of Zoonotic disease [39]. The nature of birds as highly mobile and often migrational along with transient insects consumed require healthy immune systems to withstand combinations of viral, bacterial, fungal, parasitic exposure along with Pythons and Boas feeding upon them.
However, whilst Pythons and Boas have evolved similarly across the globe the majority of snakes are also similar in having evolved differently. Whether due to lack of exposure to viruses or their immune systems evolving independently to DMT(+) such snakes so not appear to be associated with IBD in captivity. Some ground dwelling snakes are likely to have dependence upon DMT(+) in habitats where its included in ground foliage.
Such consistency in differences yet likely to include intimate coevolutionary subtitles across the globe makes snakes the perfect animal species for studying coevolution of RNA viruses, particularly in relation to DMT(+) etc. Universal Asylum proposes a global study of wild and captive snake species particularly pythons and boas. Advancing gene sequencing technologies are likely to be able to identify clear dysfunction in genetic expression with potential intergenerational genetic deterioration in captivity[39]. Such studies would be likely to reveal both nutritional deficiency and spread of viruses between species of different levels of natural immunity. Once progress is made in such areas future opportunities are likely to include exploring the possibility of using DMT(+) to induce maximise immune functions and potentially introduce foreign viruses as a natural means of immunisations. Whist this may be enough itself certain snakes and certain viruses may require immunisation of a similar yet less severe virus as a stepping stone towards immunisation against the virus of concern.
Of course such research is also likely to require tracking wild species within natural habitats and sampling the particular habitat and dietary preference.Activation of live major species amino acids is likely to have played complex critical roles in the coevolution of RNA viruses which have have many complex factors influencing their stability creating additional challenges for scientific interpretation [24, 25 & 26]. In addition to increasing the spread of foreign viruses human interactions have resulted in many animals including captivePythons and Boas enduring prolonged states of reduced immune capacity I recently described as Hypo Cellular Divergence [46].Whilst interspecies transmission can result in humans getting viruses from animals we must also be careful not to disregard humans spreading viruses to animals [24].
It’s not a matter of RNA viruses being particularly divergent, as I’m pointing out in Universal Asylum's Global Bioterrorism Intervention: A System Capable of Ensuring the Corporate Giants, the World Health Organisation, United Nations & World Governments Cannot Commit Global Genocide. Technological advancements are rapidly pointing scientists in the direction of DMT and similar substances abundantly available natural ecological systems are essential to all forms of life, which the UN and WHO have maintained front line roles in the exclusively disproportionate over-regulation of scientific analysis for over 50 years sincepublicly declaring their position in 1971 [27]. By doing so have essentially turned humans into bioweapons by retarding our systems putting us into degenerative states of health that also enables the mutation of RNA viruses (O’Brien 2020) [28], to perpetuate enough fear of viruses to justify them saving everyone with a pandemic response plan that doubles as a targeted delivery system for the most economically powerful corporation to deliver a bio-weaponised vaccine to the majority of the global population as a simple and effective psychopathic means to avoiding ecological collapse.
It is noteworthy that a rare degenerative condition in humans known as Inclusion Body Myositis also featuring similar inclusion body cellular mutation which although yet to be understood is associated with autoimmune dysfunction, regulation of inflammatory systems and other similar characteristics as in snakes. Stenglein MD, Sanders C, Kistler AL, et al. [29] recognise the significance of a range of viruses associated with IBD particularly arenaviruses and their potential to crossover to humans. I happened to be experiencing the same muscle weakness and pain in the exact same very specific muscle groups when I stumbled upon the condition during my initial research into IBD in snakes which I never anticipated to take such a turn though I am relieved that Psychotria is still alive and well.
Wish I had more time to refine and finish this publication but I don't
Youtube: Giving Pythons Ayahausca to Treat IBD/Neuro Disorders due to prolonged DMT deprivation, NOT viruses!
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