Our species has reached a point in technological advancement where we desperately need to consider our transition into an automated society.
Such automation far exceeds manual labour & includes central roles in Universal Asylums' One World Leaderless System of Governance in terms of incorporating algorithmic & other style information technologies & forms of artificial intelligence into the facilitation of efficient & comprehensively informed reform of outdated legislation & social policy, throughout the establishment of a dynamic automated "political" system capable of maintaining global stability whilst adapting to the rapidly evolving complexities of contemporary society.
Although after over a decade it still presently in its conceptual stages, a central component to Universal Asylums' One World Leaderless System of Governance is its proposed user interface which is intended to incorporate a broad range of Information Technology, Artificial Intelligence, recognised theoretical frameworks & psycho-analytic/therapeutic frameworks, & research models, etc into one primary system capable of facilitating a complex range of tasks for individual user’s right through to informing reform of legislation, social policy & the distribution of resources between individuals & social services on a national & international scale.
This is intended to provide a platform bound by the same ethical standards of other health services that is capable of facilitating a broad range of micro level interpersonal services including education, personal development, community participation & social networking whilst accumulating comprehensive data for complex human research in informing social policy & the distribution of resources between individuals, social services & even countries on a global scale.
Automation is also intended to play key economic roles in facilitating far more efficient, informed, humane & ethical distribution of resources between every individual & the complex range of human services required throughout time. This will not only ensure that the needs of individual services are efficiently fulfilled but also in preventing the inefficiency of "buck shifting" through cuts in certain service areas placing increased pressures upon other services. E.g. shutting down homeless shelters placing pressures on medical & legal systems, etc.
[***( ((NOTE)) )*** The following picture is intended for historic purposes in relation to my intellectual property surrounding a broad range of concepts associated with what I have been more recently referring to as Universal Asylums One World Leaderless System of Governance' User Interface therefore contains OUT of CONTEXT information as it was constructed to meet the assignment criteria of a 2010 University assignment Planning & Evaluation in the Human Services A#03 - "Harnessing Independence"]
By incorporating algorithmic technologies into complex multi-factorial analysis of comprehensive human needs assessments across populations & with respect to available resources on national & international scales – it will become possible to facilitate social stability whilst far more accurately &efficiently catering for the rapidly evolving needs of every member of society on short, intermediate & long-term bases. Whilst this has obvious advantages in ensuring immediate social needs are addressed this is also particularly relevant to long term social problems that traditional political structures are inadequate in addressing such as preparing for the increasing pressures of our aging population which if left unaddressed has the potential to lead to the collapse of our health systems & broader social structure.
Universal Asylum currently challenges world leaders including governments & major corporations & tech giants including Google. Microsoft, Facebook Et Al., to formally pledge fealty to Universal Asylum in forming a World Trust upon which it will become possible to work collaboratively in the establishment of such an interface with the intention of facilitating a smooth & efficient transition towards Universal Asylums' One World Leaderless System of Governance as a necessary step towards protecting every member of our species &what remains of this dying planet from ourselves & one another.
[***( ((NOTE)) )*** The following picture is intended for historic purposes in relation to my intellectual property surrounding a broad range of concepts associated with what I have been more recently referring to as Universal Asylums One World Leaderless System of Governance' User Interface therefore contains OUT of CONTEXT information as it was constructed to meet the assignment criteria of a 2010 University assignment Planning & Evaluation in the Human Services A#03 - "Harnessing Independence"]
Between the astronomical value of Universal Asylums’ claim over the rights & authorities to N, N-Dimethyltryptamine & other “Forbidden Fruit” & the prospect of World Leaders merging to form a World Trust, it should be possible for Universal Asylum to establish an ethical corruption free Leaderless System of Governance with control over a large enough portion of the global economy to maintain global stability whilst facilitating comprehensive reform necessary to address the serious counts of aggravated criminal negligence raised against the Australian & World Governments.
Fact of the matter is we as a species need to work towards uniting globally if we are to avoid World War Three& to have any hope of facilitating global economic reform necessary to avoid the ecological crises our world is currently facing.
Over the past 10,000 year our species has experienced arms race shifts from symmetrical to asymmetrical between individuals, subsections of societies & societies globally. Universal Asylums perspective One World Leaderless System of Governance aims to bring arms races back as close as realistically possible to symmetrical like they were once upon a time when we lived in harmony with one another & the magical world we are privileged to share. By doing so it should be possible to reduce our ecological footprint whilst raising the standard living for all members of our species & protecting populations from the ever-present threat of military conflict & even rouge world leaders abusing positions of power & executing future genocides.
Working towards a One World Leaderless System of Governance is the only way our species has any chance of alleviating global conflict & encouraging everyone to work together towards gradually putting down our guns with the ambitious long term goal of decommissioning & dismantling global defence systems to avoid WW3 which otherwise remains an extreme threat to our species & everything around us.
Obviously this is an enormous & extremely foreign concept riddled with complexities that will require considerable time & collaborative efforts to thoroughly explore & refine. However, such a system of governance needs to be both global & leaderless in achieving the above as a component of protecting every individual member of our species from ourselves & one another.
The fact of the matter is that no single human being is, ever was or ever will be fit to rule the world & if someone magically appeared the likelihood of them acquiring & maintaining such a trusted position of "power' long enough to solve the world’s problems is absolutely fuck all, at best. Of course, even if such a miracle happened to occur who would be fit to take their place once their time came to pass.
After 2000 years clinging to virtually the same primitive political system that lead to the collapse of the Roman Empire - humans have reached a point of technological advancement where we desperately need to consider exploring possible ways in which we are now able to facilitate the transition to automated political systems.
Such systems need to be capable of thoroughly & efficiently informing the review & reform of outdated legislation, in a manner that facilitates social stability whilst remaining fluent enough to effectively adapt to the rapidly evolving complexities our species faces throughout our transition into a perpetually progressive futuristic civilisation & thereafter.
A component of this will be applying information technology to undertaking complex standardised multifactorial risk assessments in thoroughly & efficiently informing the reform of a broad range of legislation & social policy. Such risk assessments need to be able to assess the risks of individual substances through to complex technological systems & even social policy in terms of different forms of physical, social & ecological risk they potentially pose. Given the level of corruption surrounding the establishment of certain legislations such assessments would be likely to see an end to the “war on drugs”, re-exploration of nuclear power as a form of clean energy & the reintegration of products such as hemp as a viable biodegradable alternative to plastic fishing nets, etc.
A component of the global socioeconomic reform necessary for environmental conservation of our oceans & broader ecological systems includes reform of global markets particularly in respect to first world exploitation of third world countries. Such reform serves as a double edged sword in terms of humanitarianism & environmental conservation. If we wish to avoid the impending ecological disaster we currently face we need our entire species on the same page in terms of environmental standards. In achieving this we need to work together to relieve pressures globally rather than fighting over resources & backing vulnerable people & communities on different corners of the globe into desperate positions where they are forced to cut corners to in producing cheap products to the detriment of all.
Obviously, this is an extremely complex endeavor that will require immense consideration. However, such endeavors are arguably a matter of urgency if we wish to survive as a species & will inevitably require the first world to take ownership & make appropriate amends for our part in this whole mess. Beside from an ethical perspective & for the sake of humanity it's quite simply the right thing to do.
One world governance & comprehensive reform of socioeconomic & socio-political systems on a global scale is also our species only chance of saving the Earths' oceans which are currently among its greatest ecosystems under extreme immediate threat due to corruption related to our fishing industry on an international scale.
In addition to global cooperation in drastically raising & creating consistency in practice standards across industries on a global scale as the only realistic means of minimising further ecological damage - Universal Asylum recognises urgent need to invest in working together globally in cleaning up the mess we have made. Whilst no one wants to do this job as there’s no money in it, by forming a World Trust Universal Asylum hopes to acquire enough power & resources to facilitate global cooperation in working towards repairing the immense damage we have done to our oceans... Assuming our miserable species truly wishes to avoid extinction!!!
Although this barely scrapes the surface - In a nutshell this is how Universal Asylum eventually plans upon developing its transition to leaderlessness.
The clearest evidence I'm currently able to find of the early developmental stages of what I've been more recently referring to as "Universal Asylums One World Leaderless system of Governance - User Interface" dates back to 2010 in the following University Assignment: Planning & Evaluation in the Human Services A#03 - "Harnessing Independence"